HeART Couture

heART Couture

a cultural project of inclusion through the Arts co-financed by the Administration of the National Cultural Fund (AFCN), implemented by the Down Plus Bucuresti Association, in partnership with ROXY & KIDS ART Association.


The project run between July and November 2019 aiming to o promote diversity and tolerance, through education culture (music education and visual arts) and exposure to the artistic act of a group of 40 teenagers, half of them young people with Down syndrome, coordinated by the team of  Roxy&Kids Art.


Based on the innovative concept of collaborative art with and for children,

developed in 2007 by Roxana Ené, a new fashion concept was developping in early 2019 due to her passion for fashion, with a prototype of  apron - ARTpron , a clothing accessory that connects the two countries she and his son Alexander call home - Germany and Romania.


Under the motto "Music meets color", children listen to classical music and learn how to translate sounds heard in abstract painting using tempera colors, smoothies, fruits, vegetables, chocolate, toothpaste inspired by the bilingual book "Do you see what I see ?" by Roxana Ené, an interactive manual which best explains the ROXY & KIDS ART concept.

These paintings (before) selected and interpreted by the team of ROXY & KIDS ART into artworks (after) are integrated into the "heART COUTURE " clothing collection: tulle skirt, apron, t-shirt, scarves

The project began with a summer camp organized in Busteni in July, a camp where the teenagers and artists were getting to know each other through creative art workshops, thus contributing to welding relationships within the group. The art workshops then continued in Bucharest.


At the end of the project, a fashion show was organized on 3rd of  November  at the Rapsodia Hall in Bucharest, the first fashion show where both the creators and the models are people with Down syndrome, the young participants in the project having the chance to present the heART COUTURE collection on the red carpet in front of the public.